Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth


There was a time when Marvel and Tolkien weren’t cool. When asking who’s going to watch Star Trek at the cinema would get you beaten up. When I took my laptop to school people laughed and my brothers first MP3 player was scoffed at. The world has changed. Since the 90s the internet has boomed and helped to bring in a new era.

Geeks are very employable in this technologically driven age, and so have the disposable income. The entertainment industry has discovered them as a prime demographic and even better for them it loves to collect things. It seems every other film is based on a graphic novel or fantasy series and even Star Trek is now seen as cool. What was alternative culture has moved mainstream. Its not just film and TV, the video game industry has become a juggernaut, the latest innovations make it even more universal with technology such as apps and the Nintendo Wii. Even fashion (not something early geeks were known for) has taken a geeky turn. Clones inspired by Dr Who are common place, everyones wearing t-shirts with 70s and 80s scifi films on them.
Its not just culture that has gone to the geek. Geeks have become the captains of industry, driving innovation with companies such as Apple and Samsung. Apple has become one of the worlds richest companies and its designs so successful they are replicated. Google is the search engine of choice for almost all, in fact most people say “Google it” rather then search. They say information is power and if that is true Google must be the most powerful company in the world. The geeky domain is the accepted form of communication, Facebook and Twitter are almost imperative to a social life.

Geek: an unfashionable or socially inept person

Who is a geek? The term was once used to describe someone who was seen to be interested in the “smarter” interests or that some one had a near encyclopedic knowledge of a subject. With the rise of common geek domains to mainstream (such as the Internet, and video games) the word is used to describe a broader group of society. The rise of the supergeek is also common with geeks appearing on lists of the most influential people (this year the creators of Minecraft are on the list).

People who wouldn’t have wanted to be associated with the word now call themselves geek, perhaps even dress geek. Only last year the net was full of people hitting back at supposed "fake geek girls", those who dress up and go along to comic con events and pretend to know about Star Trek or Batman. Why they do this isn't completely known, are they attention seeking? Or is it that they just want to be accepted by what is becoming mainstream?

With superhero movies breaking box office records, the rise in graphic novel sales and the latest line of geekchic clothes hitting high streets, the new geek seems unstoppable. Personally I think its a great thing for pop culture, a golden age of what I like.
What is it to be a geek today?


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