The trailer for the eagerly-anticipated fourth season of Arrested Development has been released. The series originally aired for three seasons on the Fox network ending in 2006 and now after 7 years Netflix has revived the cult US sitcom. 15 brand new episodes will be launched simultaneously on May 26.
Now the story of a wealthy family who lost everything and the one son who had no choice but to keep them all together.
If you missed it the first time round, now is the chance to catch up in time for the new series and I would highly recommend to. The show follows the Bluth family, a formerly wealthy and habitually dysfunctional family during the turmoil following the arrest of George Bluth CEO of the family firm. The fact that Netflix has brought this back is fantastic news for other cult TV shows that got axed long before they should have. Fingers crossed for Firefly!
The Bluth family banana stand has been on a world tour, unfortunately I missed its stop over in London.
There's always money in the banana stand. . . |
The series received widespread critical acclaim, including six Emmy Awards and one Golden Globe, in 2007, Time listed it among the magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME." In 2011, IGN named Arrested Development the funniest show of all time.
With all the excitement of the new series rumours of a movie are doing the rounds again. Mitchell Hurwitz the creator has said the new episodes are going to lead into a movie. Jason Bateman, who stars as Michael Bluth, has been quoted saying "Unfortunatley there's probably gonna be about a year, maybe year and a half, between the two," he continued. "So you'll end up having to watch these episodes again. It wasn't perfectly scheduled, but we were just happy to get together as soon as we could." Although a movie would be good, I would prefer to see another series (as long as the next is a good, would hate to see it flogged on and on) my favourite part of the original run was always the "Next time on Arrested Development" and it wouldn't work in a film.
I think this shows the future of where television is heading, I wouldn't be surprised if in the coming years internet-based television services eclipse traditional television altogether. The only things that seem to hold back this change is peoples equipment and access to fast broadband but this is improving all the time. Netflix was quoted recently saying "We are about the freedom of on-demand and the fun of indulgent viewing,". Although it sounds a bit pretentious the era of us watching to TV companies time schedules is coming to an end. "We are about the flexibility of any screen anywhere any time." and with 4G becoming more available it will only help this are grow more.
For now though I'm just happy to happy to celebrate Arrested Development Season 4. Here is the Trailer:
Season 4 Trailer
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